相機韌體重要更新 - AFB1000.BCC2000.BCC2000 Plus.TLC2000.TLC2020使用者請注意

若您的相機(TLC2000, TLC2020, BCC2000, BCC2000 Plus)韌體版本為FW150,再搭配10米多功能傳輸線(AFB1000)使用時...

BrinnoX群光攜手合作 BCC2000買相機送電池盒


TLC130 iOS版本APP更新!

iOS用戶們看過來!Brinno發佈了TLC130 app的最新版本,優化了藍牙一鍵連接的功能。

Brinno 推出全新配件 - AFB1000

Brinno 全新的多功能傳輸套組(AFB1000)延伸您的BCC2000使用範圍並擴充相機的操控功能......

End of Life Notifications

Brinno Inc. announces the manufacturing discontinue and End of Life (EOL) for below models. Within the effective warranty period, Brinno Inc. is committed to continue providing comprehensive after-sales service and technical support.