Optimize Your Video Content

Though Brinno timelapse videos are automatically processed and ready to view and share, there are a few things that you can do to enhance your videos. We encourage customers to ......

Enhance your construction projects with this unique storytelling tool

Time lapse footage can be used by your company in a wide variety of applications. Our customers range from large construction companies and public works to families documenting the build of their dream home......

Why use Brinno time lapse for your construction projects?

In 2009 when we released the first standalone time lapse camera on the market we sent shockwaves throughout the camera industry. Our state of the art cameras have evolved a lot since then but we have continued to deliver ......

Brinno BCC2000 Construction Camera Reviewed by Ausdroid

Australian review platform Ausdroid put Brinno’s BCC2000 construction camera to the test and they were very impressed with the results. The team is working on a project testing out different ......

Art Director Jacinta Leong Shares Her Time Lapse Techniques

A few weeks ago, Jacinta Leong was interviewed on Jasin Boland’s YouTube channel about her experience using time lapse to document the large scale film sets that she designs ......