McDonalds Restaurant Construction in Saudi Arabia Documented on Time Lapse

Engineer Basssam Alrmaily has a passion for construction and documents his projects using a mixture of Brinno time lapse......

Brinno Chosen as Top Time Lapse Pick by PCMag

The trusted review giant PCMag has recommended the Brinno TLC200 camera as the top time lapse camera for sale on Amazon......

Finding the Best Batteries to Power your Time Lapse Camera

Going to the store to pick out batteries for your camera can be an overwhelming process. With so many brands and types it can be confusing to figure out the differences and decide the best fit for your camera.....

Optimize Your Video Content

Though Brinno timelapse videos are automatically processed and ready to view and share, there are a few things that you can do to enhance your videos. We encourage customers to ......

Enhance your construction projects with this unique storytelling tool

Time lapse footage can be used by your company in a wide variety of applications. Our customers range from large construction companies and public works to families documenting the build of their dream home......